Bulbasaur is a grass/poison type Pokémon that evolves into Ivysaur. Bulbasaur is also one of the three starter Pokémon in Red/Blue.
Charmander is the fire-type starter Pokémon first seen in Pokémon Red/Blue. Charmander uses the power of its fiery tail to attack the enemy and eventually evolves into Charmeleon.
Charmeleon is a fire-type Pokémon first found in Pokémon Red/Blue. Charmander evolves from the fire-type starter Pokémon Charmander and eventually into Charizard, all while using his awesome fiery powers.
Squirtle is a Water-type starter Pokémon from the original Pokémon Red/Blue. With enough experience it can evolve into a Wartortle.
Wigglytuff is a normal/fairy type Pokémon that evolves from Jigglypuff with a Moon Stone.
Zubat is a Poison/Flying type Pokémon that evolves into Golbat.
Sandslash is a ground type Pokémon that evolves from Sandshrew.
Nidorina is a poison type Pokémon that evolves from Nidoran (female) and can evolve into Nidoqueen with a Moon Stone.
Vulpix is a fire type Pokémon that evolves into Ninetales with a Fire Stone.
Gloom is a Grass/Poison type Pokémon that evolves from Oddish and can evolve into Vileplume with a Leaf Stone, or Bellossom with a Sun Stone.
Paras is a Bug/Grass type Pokémon that evolves into Parasect.
Alakazam is a psychic-type pokemon from the original Pokemon Red/Blue. As the evolution of Kadabra, Alakazam is the third in a line of powerful spoon-bending psychics.
Poliwrath is a water/fighting-type pokemon first found in the original Pokemon Red/Blue. Poliwrath is the evolved form of Poliwag and Poliwhirl, and it loves to get up-close and personal, using its confusing belly to misdirect opponents before it goes in for the final punch.
Mankey is a fighting-type pokemon first featured in the original Pokemon Red/Blue. Mankey uses its dense form to the fullest advantage, dodging nimbly as it strikes blows on its opponents.
Tentacruel is a water/poison-type pokemon first found in the original Pokemon Red/Blue. Tentacruel is the evolution of Tentacool, its spindly tentacles more numerous and more poisonous.
Farfetch'd is a Normal/Flying type Pokémon. Farfetch'd is very protective of its leek, and can use the vegetable to attack opponents, even as Farfetch'd moves out of harm's way.
Voltorb is an electric-type pokemon first found in the original Pokemon Red/Blue. Voltorb is commonly mistaken for a hidden pokeball, often to the detriment of the one who finds it.
Rhyhorn is a ground/rock-type pokemon first found in the original Pokemon Red/Blue. Rhyhorn has a short stocky body that it uses to full advantage by rushing opponents to hit them with his horn-adorned head. It evolves into Rhydon when it reaches level 42.
Tangela is a grass-type pokemon first found in the original Pokemon Red/Blue. Tangela uses vines growing out of its body to obscure it so that only its eyes and feet can be seen.
Mr. Mime
Mr. Mime is a psychic-type pokemon from the original Pokemon Red/Blue. Like his name indicates, this pokemon doesn't say much - but watch out! Mr. Mime can copy even the most deadly attack and use it as its own.
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